
Parmanian Acres Mulefoot Reservation Form

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Parmanian Acres Mulefoot Pig Reservation Form/Contract

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Parmanian Acres Mulefoot Pig Reservation Form/Contract


Reservations are filled in the order in which they are received. Please contact Parmanian Acres via email at: prior to sending a deposit, to verify purchase price and availability. If you wish to simply mail in this form without speaking with us we will contact you and let you know we received your form and confirm availability at that time. We charge $300 for single pig, $275 each when purchasing a pair, $250 each pig for three or more and $75 for purebred Mulefoot feeder pig barrows. A deposit of $50.00 per pig or $100 per trio is to be remitted with this contract. Make checks payable to: Parmanian Acres or Mark Sponsler. By submitting this form I understand this reservation/contract is subject to availability when reserving prior to the litter being born. Typical wait time is approx. six months. Often times sooner. You are reserving pigs from the earliest availability.

All of our available breeding stock are registered with the American Mulefoot Hog Association in Michigan.  As with most breed associations, you must be a registered member of AMHA before the registrar can register pigs in your name. Please contact AMHA via email at or mail membership application in located here: AMHA membership form.

Full payment must be received by six weeks of age. You may pay the balance in cash at the time of pickup. Pickup is to be made at 8 weeks of age. Personal checks are accepted, 14 days in advance of pick up so they have ample time to clear our bank. Veterinary health papers are required to transport pigs across State lines. Most states require health papers only, though some require specific blood or fecal tests. Parmanian Acres makes all arrangements for veterinary inspections. For vet check, the cost is $10 per pig, and the group health certificate is $16.50. Any additional blood tests will be charged at the same rate that our veterinarian bills us. All veterinary costs are the sole responsibility of the purchaser.

Pigs leave our farm healthy and sound. Parmanian Acres and/or Mark Sponsler is not liable for any injury sustained by a pig after purchase. Once the pig is released to the purchaser or transporter representing purchaser, Parmanian Acres and/or Mark Sponsler is not liable for any injury, illness, death or veterinarian fees due to improper handling, feeding, medication, misc. ailments, etc; as we cannot guarantee proper care of the pig after purchase. It is the purchaser's responsibility to gain the knowledge necessary to properly care for the pig. Parmanian Acres and/or Mark Sponsler will answer any questions to the best of our knowledge regarding the care of pigs prior to purchase and will be available as a reference person after purchase. 

A visit to the farm and self-pick up of your pigs is always encouraged. If you need your pigs delivered, we can offer the following information: delivery for a fee $1.00 per loaded mile (normally compute mileage based on a one way trip from Parma Michigan-up to 500 miles-maybe further) inquire prior to reserving to confirm delivery - we aren’t always available for delivery. Adult pigs can be transported via professional ground carrier, though we do not make these arrangements.

Complete payment for the pigs, crate (if desired), & veterinarian fees & delivery must be received prior to any pigs leaving our farm. If Purchaser decides not to complete this transaction, Purchaser will forfeit any deposit. Purchaser has the opportunity to visit Seller to visually inspect said pigs or is accepting pigs "as is". In the event that the reserved pig is not available due to illness or death, Purchaser's deposit will be refunded, or another pig will be made available. Please retain a copy of this Purchase Agreement for your records. I agree to contact Parmanian Acres if my contact information has changed. Contract will be void and deposit/s retained if we are unable to contact you.

I________________________________________ agree to purchase the following Mulefoot Hogs from:
Parmanian Acres - Mark Sponsler.

# ___________Gilts

# ___________ Boars

# ___________ Barrows

# ___________ Weanling trio (1 boar piglet, 2 gilt piglets, unrelated)

price of pigs$________.____ veterinary cost$________.____ price of delivery$________.____

TOTAL COST:________.____Deposit remitted:$________.____ Balance Due:$________.____Purchaser Signature_________________________________________ Note:

Date:______________ Cell Phone:____________________________




City:_______________________ State:___________ Zip:___________



Seller Signature:___________________________________________ Date:________

Remit payment to: Mark Sponsler,3210 Gardner Rd,Parma Michigan 49269-9736, 517-745-2170

Parmanian Acres Mulefoots

Parmanian Acres


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